Hiring the right PPC agency can prove to be a daunting task considering you are 1ooking for one simply because you are not a professional yourself. Talking to sales people and getting to know more about the industry specific requirements can also be challenging and hence it is better to find an agency that is transparent. If this is not enough, the PPC company must be able to deliver quality results and excellent customer service. That aside, here are 3 questions you need to ask a PPC agency before hiring them.
Who ‘Owns’ My PPC Account?
The ownership of your PPC account has an important role to play since knowledge and industry power is all that matters. If your relationship with the PPC agency happens to go sour, then it would be better to get hold of your PPC marketing campaigns. Keep in mind your ad campaigns are more like your business asset and hence you need to have full ownership and access. Shun away from working with a PPC agency that owns your account as they might end up making things hard for you after parting ways.
How Much Experience will my PPC Manager Have?
Your PPC advertising campaign is a serious investment and acquiring all the mandatory information about your PPC manager is imperative. Keep in mind any PPC company can claim to have the needed experience but this is not really the case. As a matter of fact, it takes a couple of years to clearly understand the ins-and-outs of your PPC campaign optimization. When a PPC agency is not ready to let you know more about the person in charge of your campaigns simply move forward and look for a different one.
What are Your Charges?
Last but not least is the amount of money you have to part with before benefitting from their services. There is no way you are going to work with a PPC company that has put in place high prices yet your business is facing financial issues. Actually, such an action is only going to make things hard for you. The good news is that PPC marketing is not that expensive and hence you are never going to break the bank for you to reap the benefits it brings. All it takes is for you to choose a reputable PPC company and you are good to go.