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Gargoyle Gecko Care Tips You Should Know About

Gargoyle Gecko For Sale

If you have been searching for an ideal reptile pet for beginners, then you should look no further than the Gargoyle gecko. Originally from New Caledonia, the gargoyle gecko has made its way to people’s home especially when you want to make an outstanding display in a naturalistic vivarium. Before you start your gargoyle gecko for sale search, you need to be fully aware of some important things. In this article, we will take you through gargoyle gecko care tips you ought to know. Read on and find out more.

Gargoyle Gecko Housing

For those who are planning on getting a baby gargoyle gecko, then the best housing would be a large plastic terrarium or a reptile tank (10 gallon) having a screen top. However, you need a 20-gallon reptile tank with screen tops if you are to house an adult gargoyle gecko. These tanks come in quite handy considering they are not only light but also easy to clean. Do not put male gargoyle geckos together since they may fight especially when in the company of females. But you can still place one female and several female geckos in one reptile tank.

Lighting and Temperature

It is mandatory for you to provide a proper range temperature that allows for feeding and activity. That is where you need a thermometer if you are to stand the chance of making accurate temperature measurements. For things to work out perfectly, it would be better to ensure the temperature is 78-82 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and can drop up to 70s at night.

You can consider making use of a low wattage incandescent bulb for maintaining the temperature at all times. Remember to keep one side of the reptile tank unheated making it easy for the gargoyle geckos to choose the cooler area whenever they want to regulate their body temperature.

Gargoyle Gecko Food

Many people will agree that gargoyle geckos’ diet is among the main reasons why they are very popular pets since it does not necessarily include the need to feed live insects. Keep in mind a reptile powdered mineral or vitamin supplement needs to be included in the diet as it provides all the necessary nutrients. Fortunately, you do not have to stress yourself with Gargoyle gecko food since sites such as Topflightdubia provide all the information you need regarding this remarkable reptile pet.

The Bottom Line

The gargoyle gecko will serve as the perfect reptile pet for your home. You must however understand everything regarding gargoyle gecko care before you can finally get yourself one. Luckily, the internet will prove beneficial since you will certainly come across information related to gargoyle gecko food, lighting, handling and temperament to mention a few. To save you from the stress of examining numerous sites, you can simply check out Topflightdubia. Here, you will come across every piece of information you need to know about the gargoyle gecko before you can finally get one for your home.

Claire Jimmy

She is a part-time digital marketing consultant, part-time travel blogger, and full-time dreamer. He has three passions in life: Social Media, Travel and blogging. She has won many more blog awards and received many nominations as well. The creative blog writer with many years of experience.