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How to Apply for the Productivity Solutions Grant

As digital solutions become more extensive and commonplace, it’s only a matter of time before every business uses at least one type of digital software or tool. Of course, you may have to gain an upper-hand over your competitors by using advanced ad technology. With the help of government-provided grants, startups and SMEs have more opportunities to go-digital and stay competitive by engaging a digital agency who is a pre-proved vendor for the solution.

The Productivity Solution Grant is very essential for every business. This grant exists to provide funding support for local businesses from different sectors to purchase the tools and solutions they need for their growth and expansion. Therefore, keep reading to find out how you can apply for the Productivity Solutions Grant.

Request a Quotation from a Pre-Approved Vendor or Consultant

Whether for equipment or solutions, you ought to request a quotation from a PSG pre-approved vendor or consultant first. Contact your preferred vendor or consultant then ask for a quote from them before submitting your application for the PSG digital marketing grant. Use this as the opportune time to ask about what documents do I need to submit in the application process.

Once you have chosen a PSG pre-approved vendor, you will certainly see the digital marketing packages they are offering under the PSG grant. When you get a quote, make sure there should be a list of digital marketing services they will do for your e-commerce. You can then attach this document to your PSG application along with the rest of the required documents once you find the form to apply.

Other Business Grants to Consider

Let’s be honest; accuracy is key to succeeding in online marketing campaigns. For small and medium enterprises that want to take their efforts abroad for the first time, they should go for the Market Readiness Assistance grant. Business owners who apply for this grant can certainly obtain a support level of up to 70 percent.

The Enterprise Development Grant is another grant related to overseas expansion and marketing. This grant is significant as it helps companies in Singapore grow as well as transform outside the country. The EDG enhances business based on certain pillars such as core capabilities.

There you have it, some of the things to know before applying for the PSG grant. You might wonder if I have more than 30% foreign owned shareholding, am I still entitled? Or what if I am a non-profit organization can I still apply for the grant? Be sure to do your homework to find answers to these and other questions before filling the application form.


He is a freelance content writer and lifelong learner with an ongoging curiosity to learn new things. She uses that curiosity, combined with his experience as a freelance business owner, to write about subjects valuable to small business owners on blog. You can find him on Social Media as well to follow.