Various factors go into car insurance premiums, and understanding what may impact your rates could help you estimate what you’ll pay for coverage. No wonder this is among the first things you should do the next time you want to compare car insurance costs.
Car insurance rates increased in 2023, and the trend is expected to continue into 2024. Inflation is among the key reasons behind this, as well as supply chain disruptions, weather events, labor shortages, and changing driving habits.
As car insurance companies witness increases in costs, that will be eventually passed on to policyholders. Below are some of the factors that determine your car insurance rate.
Your Driving Record
The more accidents and speeding tickets you have on your record, the higher your premium is likely to be. For instance, a DUI may nearly double your premiums and even a simple speeding ticket could lead to a 20% rate increase. Things are not any different for newer drivers without an established driving record since they will likely pay more compared to a more experienced driver with a clean driving record.
Your Age
It is no secret that most younger drivers carry with them less experience behind the wheel. For this reason, they are more likely to be involved in an accident than mature drivers. If you’re under the age of 25, you should be more than ready to pay from car insurance than someone older. Furthermore, rates can start to skyrocket after 70.
Your Gender
Men are more likely to get into serious traffic accidents than females. As a result, males tend to pay higher car insurance premiums. The good news is some states prohibit gender as a rating factor. Ensure you research more about this before you can compare car insurance costs online.
It is essential to remember that while each factor may play a role in deciding how much you’ll pay for your auto insurance policy, each insure weighs each factor differently. Getting and comparing quotes from several insurance agencies might help you find the coverage you need at a competitive price.