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How to Prepare for Mock Exams Hassle-Free

With the end of the year first approaching, it can only mean one thing- mock exams are around the corner. Well, mock exams serve as a perfect preparation for the final exams. Despite the fact that they do not impact on your final score, it is always better to treat them like the real thing. If the thought of mock exams sends shivers down your spine, you have definitely come to the right place. In this post, we will share helpful tips to make mock exams stress free. Read on and find out more.

  • Be Organized

Before sitting mock exams, you need to make sure everything is in order. This will mean going through class notes together with topic tests from the start of the year. Be sure to highlight the areas where you seem to be struggling after which you can make a revision timetable. Things should not stop there since you ought to have lots of mock papers and grammar past papers to track the progress of your revision. The secret lies in being focused and honest with yourself if things are to work out.

  • Practice! Practice! Practice!

When under pressure, the brain defaults to what is called ‘automatic thinking,’ and hence you’ll read situations based on similar habitual mental strategies you were accustomed to while practicing. What this simply means is that you need to keep on practicing as a trial run to get into a regular balanced routine. Do not spend most of your time tackling Kent PESE past papers or Kent grammar entrance exams yet you still need to exercise, relax and sleep. In short, try to find a balance between studying, exercise, relaxation and sleep if things are to turn out the way you expect.

Final Thoughts

Whether you decide to prepare at home or with a tutor, you should not only focus on the specifics to be covered but also the paper structure and timing expectations. Fortunately, Pass the Paper has got your back in this regard since they offer mock papers for revision purposes. Checking out their official website, you will come across Mock papers for Sutton SET, Mock papers for Kent PESE, Mock papers for Essex CSSE, Bucks STT and Tiffin Schools 11+ exams. Those in Kent grammar schools have also not been left behind since they also have something for them.


He is a freelance content writer and lifelong learner with an ongoging curiosity to learn new things. She uses that curiosity, combined with his experience as a freelance business owner, to write about subjects valuable to small business owners on blog. You can find him on Social Media as well to follow.