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Things to Consider before Buying Critical Illness Policy

Buying critical illness policy is one of the best decisions that you can ever make when looking forward to keeping your health in check. After all, critical illness can be viewed as an unwelcome guest that’s only going to take a huge toll on your health and wealth. Among the most prevalent critical illnesses in Singapore include cancer, heart attack, kidney failure and many more.

Dui to the continuous diagnosis, hospitalization, treatment and dialysis, the fee might end up creating a hole in your pocket. The good news is that you can face this difficult situation by opting for a comprehensive critical illness insurance policy. Here, we have compiled some of the things to consider before buying critical illness insurance.

Look for Maximum Coverage

When examining the different health insurance providers available at your disposal, you should settle for a full critical illness plan that provides you with maximum coverage. In a nutshell, a sound critical illness cover ought to include pre and post-hospitalization expenses, diagnosis expenses, treatment and medication. Ensure you are fully aware of the benefits you will enjoy from your critical illness cover before you finally sign on the dotted line.

Waiting Period

The waiting period simply implies to the stipulated time under which the policy is payable. It is highly recommended that you ask for a waiting period before you finally buy a critical illness plan. With critical illness, it is after 90 days of the commencement period of the policy and for pre-existing diseases, you have to make do with 48 months. To be on the safe side, you should consider the critical plan with a low waiting period. Be sure to factor in the detection of terminal illnesses in your plan before deciding on anything.

The Bottom Line

Buying critical illness policy is one of those decisions that you should never rush through at any particular time. Do your homework and examine things such as the age, waiting period, sub-limits, amount of premium and many more. Individuals who are still finding it difficult can get insurance quote from China Taiping Insurance.

The good news is that you can leverage the internet whenever you want to find out more about critical illness policy before making a purchase decision. To offer a helping hand, find time to read more about critical illness insurance here after which you can make an informed decision.


He is a freelance content writer and lifelong learner with an ongoging curiosity to learn new things. She uses that curiosity, combined with his experience as a freelance business owner, to write about subjects valuable to small business owners on blog. You can find him on Social Media as well to follow.