1 min read

Tips for Creating a Mobile-Friendly Website

Some people tend to think merely because their websites can be viewed on a mobile device, it automatically makes them mobile-friendly. However, there is more to designing mobile websites than meets the eye. Without employing the correct measures as soon as possible, you risk missing out on millions of people who use smartphones to surf the internet.

Fortunately, you don’t have to be a pro before you finally make your website mobile-friendly. The secret lies in understanding how to go about it and what makes a mobile-friendly website. Here are top tips for creating a mobile-friendly website without the hassle.

Be Responsive

While your website might look more professional and appealing, this will never help you with anything if it is unresponsive. To avoid losing out on prospects, be sure to use a responsive technology framework. These frameworks are basically simple ways to lay out elements in a grid and then shift that grid based on different sizes.

You should think of responsiveness as a more unified approached to Web development allowing you to create a similar experience for the user. This is regardless of how they are accessing the site. Furthermore, you won’t need to have a separate mobile URL for your website.

Keep the Design Simple

A clean and focused copy goes a long way in enhancing the functionality of the website. Keep in mind you only have a few seconds to convey who you are as a brand. Too many bells and whistles can hamper the site’s ability to load quickly, thus affecting user experience. If you would rather use images, try to go with those that are smaller in byte size. This is because it helps reduce the amount of time users spend waiting for the page to load.

The Bottom Line

Designing mobile websites is something that you can never risk skimping on as it helps users to see the contents of the menu clearly. That’s why you need to determine what it means by creating a mobile-friendly website before giving it a try. You should also prioritize testing a mobile website before going live to check for any mistakes of bugs.

To ensure everything turns out how you expect, you can continue reading about designing mobile websites here. It is then that you will find answers to all your burning questions and help make your website mobile-friendly with ease.


He is a freelance content writer and lifelong learner with an ongoging curiosity to learn new things. She uses that curiosity, combined with his experience as a freelance business owner, to write about subjects valuable to small business owners on blog. You can find him on Social Media as well to follow.