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Useful Hacks To Help You Improve Your GP Grades

GP is characterized by a multitude of essay questions, but the essay themes generally remain the same. As a result, you’ll have to do some essential things as your game plan is to pre-select themes and topics that you feel strongly about in terms of your viewpoints.

Furthermore, you may need to do further readings on how to express your opinions clearly as well as learn how to use the right evidence to back up your points. Fortunately, taking advantage of GP tuition Singapore centers can help do the trick. Keep reading to find out a few top tips that will definitely help you pull up your GP grades.

Listen to Podcasts, Speeches and Debates

Reading is indeed one way you can implement if you want to immerse yourself in well-written pieces of work or books. However, listening to podcasts with an argumentative slant and then breaking down how such arguments are formed can absolutely give you invaluable insights when you’re planning your essay.

Podcasts are ideated and also built around a structure intended to generally keep audiences engaged. This can result to added points when adopted in your writing. So, if you want to improve your language skill and also take it a step further then you ought to partake in shadowing and this is simply speaking along to what you’re listening to. Shadowing can also help you to process what you’re listening to.

Leverage Documentaries

Although YouTube videos are most effective when you quickly want to watch a couple of short informative clips, documentaries on the other hand probe deeply into a specific topic. Yes, many students may wrongly assume that documentaries are dead boring. Nevertheless, there is a mind-boggling array of documentaries which are probably eye-openers that cover wide range topics from migrant worker issues to unearthing discoveries from the distant past.

Therefore, one important consideration every GP learner needs to know is the distinctive yet interesting and refreshing structures that documentaries adopt to present its information. Learners should also know the varied perspectives documentaries take on some issues. Watching documentaries is essential for every GP learner as it widens learners world-views.

Documentaries can also give learners indispensable insights into how they can cleverly present information clearly and creativity for their GP. That is precisely what you need to improve your GP grades without pushing yourself to the limit.


He is a freelance content writer and lifelong learner with an ongoging curiosity to learn new things. She uses that curiosity, combined with his experience as a freelance business owner, to write about subjects valuable to small business owners on blog. You can find him on Social Media as well to follow.